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Chinese translation for "sea king"


Related Translations:
king:  n.1.王,国王,君主 (opp. subject); (部落的)首领,魁首。2.(某界)巨子,…大王。3.王一样的东西。4.(纸牌中的)老K(国王);(国际象棋的)王;(西洋跳棋的)王棋。5.〔K-〕【宗教】上帝,耶稣。6.(水果、植物等中)最上等品。7.〔The K-s〕(《旧约圣经》中的)《列王纪》。短语和例子the K- of England 英国国王。 a kin
king of kings:  神,上帝。
king cobra:  眼镜蛇,眼镜王蛇 (Naja hannah)。
king post:  【建筑】人字架上的中柱,中柱,桁架中柱;【造船】吊杆柱。
king salmon:  大鳞大麻哈鱼。
king crab:  鲎(=horseshoe crab)。
king lear:  1.《李尔王》〔莎士比亚悲剧名〕。2.该剧的主角李尔王〔传说中的英国国王〕。
king oscillator:  主振荡器。
king snake:  【动物;动物学】王蛇 (Lampropeltis getulus) 〔产于美国南部〕。
king fish:  〔美口〕头子,首领。
Example Sentences:
1.Tianjin sea king logistics co . , ltd
2.The six princesses often played all day in the big rooms inside the sea king ' s house
3.In front of the sea king ' s house there was a large garden full of red plants and blue plants
4.Mum trapped by floodwaters gave birth to premature twins ? but tragically the twins did not survive despite a dramatic rescue by two raf sea king helicopters
5.Mum trapped by floodwaters gave birth to premature twins ? but tragically the twins did not survive despite a dramatic rescue by two raf sea king helicopters
6.A mum trapped by floodwaters gave birth to premature twins ? but tragically the twins did not survive despite a dramatic rescue by two raf sea king helicopters
7.Mum trapped by floodwaters gave birth to premature twins ? but tragically the twins did not survive despite a dramatic rescue by two raf sea king helicopters
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